This series on "Anaesthesia for Maxillofacial Surgery" is edited by Dr. Chris Jones and Bhavesh Patel from Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, UK. This special series covers a number of important areas of anaesthesia for Maxillofacial Surgery, featuring intubation and extubation techniques, different ventilation strategies including during the shared airway, front of neck access in both emergency and elective situations, and finally looking at Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for major head and neck/maxillofacial surgery.
Anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery
Enhanced recovery after surgery for major head & neck surgery—a narrative review
Awake tracheal intubation: a narrative review
Extubation techniques in anaesthesia—a narrative review
Jet ventilation for maxillofacial and laryngotracheal anaesthesia: a narrative review
Adult front of neck airway: a narrative review
The series "Anaesthesia for Maxillofacial Surgery" is commissioned by the editorial office Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Anesthesia without any sponsorship or funding. Dr. Chris Jones and Dr. Bhavesh Patel are serving as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.